Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



Ex-MP Fazle Karim faces attempted murder charges

Former Chattogram-6 MP ABM Fazle Karim Chowdhury and 26 other people have been accused of attempted murder, kidnapping and extortion. Sirajuddaula, a former chairman of Paschimgujra Union Parishad under Raozan Upazila, filed the case in the court of Additional Chief…

Japan ‘megaquake’ advisory after tremor injures eight

Moroadi Cholota with Hawks in Bloemfontein.  Connie Chiume  Avbob Investment Plan TOKYO – Japan’s earthquake scientists have warned of the possibility of a coming “megaquake” after eight people were injured Thursday by one of magnitude 7.1 in the south. “The…
